

[Page] 42
[Continued from page 41]

wider portion being on each side of the central
disc at the SSW. [South South West] end and the narrowest at the
opposite extremity. At the SSW [South South West] summit
this hollow has been carried forward to the
edge of the bank with a width of about 4' 6"
and with the same width at the opposite
end it is traceable towards the edge for a
distance of 12'. Throughout it is only a few
inches in depth. The edge & sides of
the hillock especially towards the E. [East] & SE [South East] have
been much broken down by sheep and cattle.
St the SE. [South East] there is exposed extending downwards
from the upper surface for a depth of 18" or
thereby with an indefinite breadth, but not
exceeding a foot or two, a bed of discoloured
soil, containing much wood charcoal & a
few particles of calcined bone & a good deal of burned clay. From this
I recovered an iron nail square in section,
an iron bolt with a nut on it, and two
very tiny pieces of red ware with a brown
listrous glaze on them but really too small to dogmatise
^ On returning to the Mote on 22nd Sept with permission to
examine the broken down material on the side I found
that the exposed section of discoloured soil measured
about 2' 7" in breadth by 2' 2" in depth. With a
space of 18" intervening there occurred a second
similar "patch" about 10" in breadth but less in depth
Entirely from the 1st, which I cleared out, I recovered
several pieces of pottery, one glazed and decorated
with moulded ornament, some six small glazed
"prunts" from a similar vessel, about a dozen nails,
an object like a padlock much corroded found
embedded 13" below the surface, small pieces of
wood, burnt bone & much charcoal, also many
pieces of burnt or compressed clay. Some of the
pottery was taken out of the section 4" below the surface.

[Opposite page sketch inserted here]

All the objects have been sent to Dr [Doctor] Anderson.
The pottery is of a fine red body. There was
also found a fragment of dressed sandstone

1st Sept.
Having to attend the enquiry in Kirkcudbright
regarding the death of the postman I went
then by the early train and passed the

[Continued on page 43]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock