

[Page] 39
[Continued from page 38]

easy gradient towards the W. [West]. The summit and
plateau have been defended by a triple line of
defences in irregular horseshoe form, the
terminations resting on the craggy face of
the summit towards the E. [East]. These defences
though traceable almost throughout their entire course,
are faint and difficult to follow. On
the N. [North] some 30' below the summit level is
a terrace while from the level of the end of the
hollow along the base of the craggy face some
20' lower in elevation there starts a second
and 20' or thereby still lower on the flank
a third. These terraces varying in breadth
and irregular in line are carried along
the N. [North] slope some below the level of the plateau
converging so they pass towards the W. [West].
Here the two outer lines take the form of
stony ramparts while the inner one still
a terrace, passes below the base of a rocky
outcrop & along the edge of a natural scarp.
At this point a space of 24' separates the
outer & intermediate defences while 50'
within the latter rises the rock behind the inner
terrace. Towards the SW. [South West] the lines are
less distinct. The upper one some 30' above the wire fence which runs along this side of the hill, seemingly follows
the upper edge of two slight circular

[Continued on page 40]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock