

[Page] 36
[Continued from page 35]

identical, but slightly larger site. The plateau is not
so level and the ground in front falls
to the hollow opening onto the ravine. The
curve of the outline is that of an
irregular semi oval with a chord of 198'
and a greatest depth of 58'. The scarp which
is to a great extent natural has a rise of
from 12' to 14'. There has been a rampart
above the scarp now only remaining for a
distance of 70' across the higher ground from
the edge of the heugh on the E. [East] its
site, however, is traceable around
the edge by a ragged outline of large
boulders. The width at the base of the remaining
portion of the rampart is 26'. Where it crosses
the higher ground on the E. [East] it has been
covered by a trench on the outside
The W. [West] end of the fort from on the front has
been considerably destroyed at some time
in the past probably by quarrying

Castle Yards Port Mary
At the end of the field bearing the name
of the Castle Yards which reaches to the
shore on the E [East] side of the little bay at
Port Mary and to the S. [South] of Rerwick Park is
a small fort. A Narrow promontory
flanked on the E. [East] by a ravine down

[Continued on page 47]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock