

[Page] 31
[Continued from page 30]

main axis N. [North] & S. [South] surrounded by a stone
wall which follows in slight fluctuating curves the
rocky contour. The length of the enclosure has
been about 249'. its breadth some 87' ^ an the rise in elevation from the S. [South] to near
its North end about 12'. The wall
which is almost entirely overthrown has been
very massive judging from the debris which
covers an area of about 30' all round. at
the S. [South] end some large blocks of porphyry which
have been at its base, may still be seen in situ
on the interior, and near the same spot on the
exterior a small portion of the outer face is
recognisable indicating a thickness of 13'.
Near the centre of the N. [North] face has been an
entrance, on the E. [East] side of which the base of the
wall is distinctly visible though on the W. [West] entirely
ruined. To flank the entrance the wall on the E. [East]
side has been carried directly forward some
30' to 40' across a grassy plot to rest on the
edge of a rocky escarpment which passes
Eastward to merge in the slope of the summit
On the W. [West] side from the outer face a wall passes
round to the Westward beneath the rocky summit slope enclosing in a loop
a plateau some 216' in length by 60' in breadth and some 12' below
the general level of the summit enclosure.
Near the
centre of the curve there has been an entrance

[Continued on page 32]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock