

[Page] 27
[Continued from page 26]

12' to 15' in diameter. There are no hut
circles visible in their neighbourhood.
Across the hill about the same level
and towards the Boreland burn are
many more mounds of the same character.

Cairn .
Some 300 yds [yards] W. [West] of the Boreland burn
and just above the 700' contour line is
a circular cairn, much delapidated and
with a hollow in the centre as if it had
been excavated. It measures some 30'
in diameter and about 3' in elevation.
A number of small mounds lie around it.
About 100 yds [yards] higher up the slope are the
foundations of a third cairn, which has been
circular with a diameter of 30' or thereby .

Hut Circle. O. S. [Ordnance Survey] "Fort."
On the W. [West] side of a small rill which flows
down a hollow into the Boreland burn
some 80' distant from the site is a circular hut circle
with an interior diameter of 23'. The sur:
:rounding bank, in the formation of which
many round boulders have been used, is some
5' in thickness. There is a clearly defined
entrance towards the SE. [South East] some 2'.6" in width
and on the bank to the E [East] of it lies a large
pointed boulder 3'.6" long by 1' & 1'.6"
which has probably formed a portal. The

[Continued on page 28]

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Bizzy- Moderator, mac1