

[Page 22]
[Continued from page 21]

angles to it 83'.

Airds Hill Fort.
Airds Hill is a prominent landmark
to the S W. [South West] of Auchencairn Bay rising to
an elevation of [blank] above the shore line.
On the seaward side from the level plateau
above the cliffs it rises steeply but elsewhere
from landward by an easy gradient.
The fort on the summit has been surrounded by a stony
rampart or wall, and possibly by two on
the N [North] side where stronger defences were required,
but to such an extent have they been pillaged
foor stones that the original plan is no longer
evident. The interior is irregularly circular
measuring some 150' from N [North] to S. [South] by 127'
from E [East] to W. [West].

Cairn Auchencairn - Unnoted
In a cultivated field to the S W. [South West] of the
road between the schoolhouse and cemetery
at Auchencairn and some 80 yds. [yards] back
from it is a large circular cairn over:
:grown with grass measuring some 50'
in diameter & 5' in greatest elevation. There
is no sign of it having been excavated.
In the adjoining field & some 250 yds [yards] to
the Southward, crowning a slight eminence
is another likewise overgrown much re:
:duced in elevation measuring about

[Continued on page 23]

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Bizzy- Moderator, Brenda Pollock