

[Page] 19
[Continued from page 18]

construction comparatively modern erected to a height of 6' or thereby
on a base of some 3'.6", & gradually diminishing
upwards to the breadth of a single stone at a
height of 3' 6" or thereby. (The further details to be
required from MacGibbon's plan).

Ben Tultine Fort.
On a small natural level near the base of
the hill side about 1/4m. [mile] N E. [North East] of the shepherd's
house at [blank] is a small circular
fort. The site is sheltered by higher ground
on the N. [North] and N E. [North East] and is not particularly
defensible. The enceinte has been entirely of
stone and the wall now lies in a dilapidated
mass some 10' to 12' broad. There has
evidently been an entrance from the N. [North]
Interiorly it measures some 97' from N [North] to S. [South]
by 93' from E [East] to W. [West] but the ruined state of the
wall does not admit of accurate delimitation.
Against the outside towards the S. [South] is a
circular or suboval enclosure
measuring interiorly some 31' by 42' having
its longest axis E [East] and W. [West] and apparently
entering from the W. [West]

Wraithe Plantation Fort.
This fort is situated a short distance to the S. [South] of Collin Farm
It is enclosed by a stone wall, and overgrown
with trees and stands at the edge of a bank
which slopes down towards the Collin Burn.
The enceinte consists of a trench between

[Continued on page 20]

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Bizzy- Moderator, John Dunlop