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The group lies at an elevation of some 700'
above sea level in a secluded glen.

[Margin] Rock Sculptures Cambret Moor

On the Eastern slope of Cambret Moor towards
its base and some 400 yds. [yards] NNW. [North North West] of the large
Cairn at Cauldside across the parish boundary
& in Anwoth parish, is a large detached block
of whinstone measuring superficially 4'.3"
by 3'8" by 1'.2" in thickness sculptured with
cup and ring marks. There are only two
figures on the stone; one of unusual dimen:
:sions measuring 23 inches across consists
of a cup mark surrounded by a ring from
which a groove is carried in a curve towards
the outer limit of the figure. Beyond the
inner ring five other encircling rings
are carried
spirally around the central cup & ring, the
continuity of each broken by the radial groove,
while a sixth apparently opening on the groove
is carried only half way round. Almost
contiguous is a second figure, much more
worn, consisting of a cup surrounded bv
two rings.

13th May 1912.

I have secured the services of a Manxman
Cowell for assistant, a carpenter out of work but

[Continued on page 166]

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Alison James- Moderator, mac1