
Transcriber's notes

line 5 - the missing distance is 200 yards (see the 'Fifth Report and Inventory of Monuments and Constructions in Galloway, Volume 2, County of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright' (1914)).


[Page] 160
[Continued from page 159]

[Opposite page 2 x photographs inserted]

The interior of the chamber has probably been cleared
out long ago. Numerous tall monoliths used
as gate posts &c. at the adjacent farm have
probably been taken originally from this monument
About __ yds. [yards] due S. [South] & just over the field
dyke to the S. [South] of the road are the the re :
:mains of another cairn of the same
character. Though the peculiar features of
the horned chambered cairn have escaped
destruction the cairn itself has been almost
entirely removed to build dykes &c. The ex:
:treme length has been from 80' to 100' but, owing
to the building of a wall partly on the site the
breadth is not accurately ascertainable, it
has however increased from the ? W. [West] end
towards the E. [East] and the outline of the
cairn appears to have been marked with
pointed standing stones. At the E. [East] end
are the remains of a frontal semicircle of
standing stones now consisting of 7 stones in
situ, 4 on one one quadrant and 3
on the other, and of two other stones lying dis:
:placed. The two centre stones are squarish pillars
set 1'.2" apart at base, each rising to a height
of 7' above ground level, while the other stones
vary in height from 3'.7" to 5'.9", and in breadth

[Continued on page 160A]

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Alison James- Moderator, mac1