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visible some rather faint cup and ring markings
The rock surface is almost level. The sculpturing con:
:sists of fourteen cup marks which have the
appearance of having been arranged to some extent in groups
of three. Two natural hollows each some 8" or 9"
in length lie in the line of cleavage of the
rock. three cup marks are placed in close
proximity to one hollow while another cup
placed near the second is connected with
it by a duct. One cup encircled by a
complete ring has a channel leading from it in the
direction of other two cups while at the
opposite side a small cup is connected
with the ring. Adjacent to this figure
are two cups connected by a broadish
channel traversing the line of cleavage,
forming a dumbell figure and having
a third small cup connected.
Immediately across the Stone dyke to the
Eastward is another sculptured rock surface
consisting of six and possibly seven cup
and ring markings. From the cup mark in
each case a channel passes outward between
the closed extremities of the penanular rings
in two instances seemingly connecting with
outer cups. It is noteworthy that in this group

[Continued on page 158]

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Alison James- Moderator, mac1