

[Page] 151
[Continued from page 150]

at them to signify the fact.

[Margin] "Wallace's Camp" Minnigaff

On the left bank of the Cree at a spot where the river in its
course forms a right angle, and about 1/2 m. [mile]
to the NW. [North West] of Minnigaff Church is situated
the entrenched work known as "Wallace's Camp."
It lies in a wood at the edge of a steep bank which
falls away some 30' to 40' towards the river
and is further confined by a deep ravine on
the NW. [North West] and a slighter hollow down which
flows a rivulet on the SE. [South East]. From this hollow
a trench has been drawn to the NW. [North West] of slight depth at
first and gradually deepening till it
merges in the ravine on the opposite
side of the enceinte. About the middle of its
course the trench measures some 15' across
and now about 2' in depth. The area thus
cut off presents at its highest point an
irregularly level plat some 25' in diameter
from the side of which the ground de:
:clines for a distance of 40' or thereby to
the steeper edges of the bank and ravine.
From the SE. [South East] an approach leads to the interior
on the inner side of the trench constricted
immediately before it attains the plat by a
trench like hollow which passes down the
bank and which is possibly natural. Across

[Continued on page 152]

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Alison James- Moderator, mac1