

[Page] 146A
[Continued from page 146]

[Opposite page photograph inserted] "The Thieves' Stanes" Dranandow.

[Page] 147
[Continued from page 146]

Some 16' still further W. [West] and 18' from the W. [West]
end on the S. [South] side the edges of other two slabs set parallel at
2' apart are visible indicating a fourth chamber
and like the two last mentioned placed at
right angles to the main axis of the cairn.
The greatest height of the cairn, towards the
W. [West] end, is 6'.

? unnoted
Some 7' to the S. [South] of the W. [West] end there lies
evidently broken off at ground level a large
rectangular block of whinstone, some 5'.91/2"
in length and 1'.9" in breadth across the upper
surface which alone is fully exposed.

Some 200 yds [yards] SSW. [South South West] of the last is another cairn,
circular in form measuring some 40' in
diameter. Its elevation to the base of a
small modern cairn which surmounts
it is about 3'. There is no indication
of its having been excavated.
Stretching for some 250 yds. [yards] to the Southward
is a group of small cairns measuring
about 12' in diameter and 2' in height and
crowning a small hillock which overlooks
the marshy ground to the Southward is
the site of a larger cairn the centre of
which has been entirely cleared out.
For some 250 yds. [yards] NNW. [North North West] of the most Westerly

[Continued on page 148]

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