

[Page] 131
[Continued from page 130]

pewtar, brass etc. He has the broken pieces
of a small green glazed money pot of the
usual onion shape which filled with coins
was dug out of the clay floor of an old house
across the street. The coins were mostly of the
reigns of Mary and James V: The latest date
I observed being 1559. We had a stroll
round the Castle Dykes - the site of the Edwardian
castle. Capt. [Captain] Hope has permitted just enough
excavation to be done on the mound to show
that the plan is still traceable. I hope he will
go further & lay it bare . It occupies a fine
site at the mouth of the Dee looking down the
estuary. The actual site has been circumscribed
by a deep ditch and there are traces of an
outer mound & ditch forming a bailey from
the centre of which has risen the castle.
Both yesterday & today I visited St. Cuthberts
Church Yard on the hill overlooking the town.
On the left of the entrance is the Ewart tomb
a very fine 17th Cent. [Century] Monument: there are also
two or three finely inscribed slabs.

2nd Oct. 1911.
Bicycled to Cumpstoun, a handsome modern
house with the ivy clad ruins of the old
castle to the W. [West] of it. The deep window
recesses remind me of Braol [Braal] castle and

[Continued on page 132]

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