

[Page] 122
[Continued from page 121]

in diameter"
"To the N. [North] of Balmae House, on the home-fields
is a very much worn cup and partial ring.
The centre of the cup is 13" from the upper or
NE. [North East] corner of the rock. The cup measures 5" across
and the ring must have been about 7". "
"Farther N. [North] and W. [West], and higher up, is a single cup
on the corner of a rock, in much the same position
as the last. It is 2" wide, 1" deep, very clear and
well defined.

On the summit of Knockshinnie to the N. [North] of
Balmae and some 300' above sea level, facing
NE . [North East] is an extremely weathered group of cups
and rings. (fig. [figure] 7.)

? Stone Circle Balmae.
This setting of stones lies on rough pasture
some [--] yds. [yards] below the road passing to the
SW. [South West] of Knockshinnie and about ΒΌ m. [mile] E.NE. [East North East] of
Balmae . It consists of four granite blocks
the highest standing about 11/2' above ground
placed on an arc with a chord of 76' and
depth at centre of 21'. The stones are placed
at irregular distances on a sloping bank
so that the lowest stone is at 8' lower eleva:
:tion than the upper one. Two other displaced
boulders and a number of smaller stones
lie in a heap to the N W. [North West] and the beds of

[Continued on page 123]

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