

[Page] 120
[Opposite page text inserted in main body where indicated]

Stone Circle Drummore.
In a cultivated field within sight of Drummore
fort to the Northward & some [--] & yds. [yards] distant
from it , are four large boulders all displaced
the remains of a stone circle the details of the
destruction of which are given by Coles ( q.v. [quod vide])
I made a correct survey of the setting as it
appears now. The stones measure from 3'.7" to
5' in extreme length respectively.

Little Balmae
Coles records the existence of a stone circle
near this farm but I could obtain no infor:
:mation about it at the farm nor see anything
resembling it in the direction indicated.

Ross View Balmae
Cup & ring Marks
Due W. [West] of Little Balmae about ΒΌ m. [mile] and
reached by a track through the fields is
the ruined cottage of Ross View. Masses
of grey rock outcrop in close proximity to
it and over the field to the Westward.
On a rock inclining slightly towards the West
about 100 yds [yards] S. [South] of the Cottage are two ill-formed
concentric rings 17" & 10" in diameter & much worn down, noted by Mr. Coles . (fig [figure] 1)
[inserted text] On a small rock a few yds. [yards] to the N. [North] is another
figure also much weathered consisting of a central cup mark
with three surrounding rings with a second
cup resting on the outer ring .( fig [figure] 2.)
On a flat rock some 20 yds. [yards] to the N. [North] of the
ruined cottage are the markings shown
in figs [figures] (3 & 5 Coles ). They both show a departure
from the concentric circle figure . Fig [Figure] 5
which is at the W. [West] end of the rock is a
double circle approximately concentric

[Continued on page 121]

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