

[Page] 117
[Continued from page 116]

and noted on the illustration (fig [figure] 12 ) a peculiarly
distinct pick-marked groove (G.G') carried down
the slope, then up and round, encircling one
cup and almost entering another. & also A second
groove, likewise pick-marked carried downwards
from F' to F.

Blackhill Cottage.
About 1 m. [mile] up the road from the Grange towards
Townhead School, in a high field some yds [yards]
[--] of the road stands Blackhill cottage
and on a solitary uneven lump of whinstone
some 50 yds. [yards] to the SE [South East] having one fairly flat face a little more than 3' square occurs the group drawn
& described by Mr. Coles ( fig [figure] 13 ) The rock surface
is greatly weathered and its inequalities suggest
that originally there have been additional markings
now worn away

Gilroannie [Gillroanie]
" Near Gilroannie, in a field to the SE [South East], close on
the edge of a quarry there are the two cuttings
shown in fig [figure] 14 - an oval and a horse-
-shoe shape, the latter enclosing a small cup.
The rock slopes steeply to the NE [North East]."

28th Sept. 1911.
Drummore Fort.
O. S. [Ordnance Survey] [Drummore] Castle .
This finely preserved and important fort
occupies a conspicuous site at an elevation
of [--] over sea-level and holds in view
a great extent of land and sea from
Netherlaw point some miles to the
Eastward to the distant Burrow Head on

[Continued on page 118]

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