

[Page] 114
[Continued from page 113]

There has been a parapet mound all round
the enceinte still clearly defined, behind which
the interior forms a saucer-shaped hollow
measuring 66' in diameter.
This fortlet is exactly analagous to the one
at North Milton and also to the lower fort at
West Kirkcairswell (p.60.)

Rock Sculptures Gallway Hill
I spent a considerable time today looking
for these markings described & illustrated by
Coles but was unable to find them. His location
is very indefinite and no one seems to know their
position. His description etc. must serve.

Dunrod Fort.
This small rectilinear fort lies in a lone situation
about 80 yds [yards] to the S [South] of the ruins of Dunrod Church.
It is overlooked by higher ground close to it on
the S [South] and has no outlook beyond the near
encircling hills.
The fort is an irregular oblong lying with its
main axis N & S [North & South] measuring interiorly 122' in
length, 84' in breadth at the N [North] end and 117'
at the S [South]. It is surrounded by a single trench
with an average width of 20', & depth of 3'
cut through rock at the SW [South West] corner. There
are traces of a parapet surmounting the
scarp on which a number of flat stones are visible, and also of a mound above the
counterscarp. The E [East] on the interior is considerably

[Continued on page 115]

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