

[Page] 111
(Continued from page 110)

to the exterior of 7' to 8'. Along the W. [West] side
the trench varies from 18'-24' in width, & the outer mound
slight. At the S. [South] end the trench is 27' wide & very
flat, the scarp cut to a vertical height on the rock
of some 3' 6", the mound outside 23' wide at base
6' high and formed of flakes of stone & earth.
Though this fort is circular and the interior has
but a slight rise above its encircling defence it
appears to belong to the same class as the
oval terraced mounds of the Crofts type
with strong ramparts at the ends and slighter
defences on the flanks.

K'cudbright Par. [Parish]
North Milton
Somewhat less that a quarter of a mile to
the NE. [North East] of North Milton farm at the termina:
:tion of a long slope from the Southward and
overlooking a low wet looking meadow is a
small fort. The slope ends abruptly in a rock with a
fall of 12' to the ground below probably
to some extent cut back to a steeper angle
than nature gave it, and the fort has been
formed by entrenching this rocky terminal.
The trench now only exists on the higher
ground but as it slopes down to the low
level at the foot of the rock and fades
away without sign of a traverse it originally
no doubt was carried right round with an

(Continued on page 112)

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Kate51- Moderator, ck