

[Page] 39
[Continued from page 38]

of the heugh and at the lower level the defences
are now less important the ditch having probably silted
up. The mound above the scarp is low, rising
only about 2' above the interior while that above
the counterscarp has an elevation of only about
3' on the outside. The entrance appears to have
crossed the defences diagonally from the NE. [North East]
entering the fort at its lowest point but its
actual position is obscured by the erection of
a turf bank which has partially obliterated the
outer lines.

Kirkmaiden Church
Lying within a railed enclosured
outside the old church of Kirkmaiden are
three sculptured stones. (No. 1.) Is a slab
6'.2" in length 1'.8" broad at the head & diminish:
:ing to 1'.2" at the foot bearing incised on its
surface a cross with expanding arms
contained with in a circle set on a shaft
resting upon a calvary. On the left side
is a broad sword with a midrib,
thin depressed quillons, a cylindrical grip
and a triangular or conical pommel set on a
plate. The slab is broken in four pieces (see rub. [rubbing] 9)
No. 2. A broken fragment the shaft of a cross
ornamented on both sides with celtic inter:
:laced ornament. Total length 3'. breadth

[Continued on page 40]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1