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[Continued from page 30]

-scarp near the bottom of the ditch. The
only relics found were a small stone ring in
the substance of the SE. [South East] rampart and a
human skull pierced at the back lying in
the ditch halfway between the gateway and
the E. [East] corner.

Castle Feather (site)
Half a mile to the SSW [South South West] of Cutcloy farm and
on the W. [West] side of Burrow Head is a grassy
promontory rising to a height of some 80' to 100'
and formed by deep inlets of the sea on either
side. The castle which appears to have been a
small rectangular keep has been situated
near the landward end of the promontory
where slight mounds on the turf indicate the
foundations. The defences have consisted
of three ditches with intervening mounds
crossing the isthmus segmentally. The
inner ditch is some 26' in width across the
top and about 11' in depth & a perpendicular
wall built with mortar faces the scarp to its full height. The
second ditch measures 23' in width & about
5' - 6' in depth while the outer ditch extant
on the S. [South] but elsewhere cut off by a field
dyke has a breadth of nearly 30' and a
depth of 6'. On the promontory towards
its seaward end is a circular hollow

[Continued on page 32]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Brenda Pollock