

[Page] 23
[Continued from page 22]

At Cutreoch near Drummoral I saw the only
Doo'cot I have seen except a small one at
Luce Manse. Both are probably 18th century
structures and not strikingly interesting.
We covered 58 miles in the car & got home after

1st July 1911
Writing up notes for the best part of the
day and did not complete them.

3rd July 1911
Called for McGibbon & co. [company] at Glenluce & took them
on to the fort at Larbrax? known as Kemp's Walk
of which I desire a plan.

Leswalt Fort Portslogan
On a shoulder some 50' below the summit
of Portslogan hill, which has an elevation
of 355' over sea level, are the indefinite
remains of a small defensive enclosure
now under cultivation and only recognisable
by the slight depression of an encircling
ditch and the light colour of the clay which has
formed the rampart now spread over its site.
The enclosure has been sub oval measuring
interiorly some 92' by 82'. The site is
sheltered facing E [East] with high ground
above it.

Fort No. 10
The O.S. [Ordnance Survey] marks another fort to the S. [South] of the
last but I failed to locate it. If it is the object
situated on the field road I am doubtful of it.

[Continued on page 24]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Brenda Pollock