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a low domical mound which rises above a
deep hollow on the E [East]. Elsewhere the general
level falls towards the fort. Terminating at
either side on the edge of the hollow beyond it a trench
and rampart have formed the defences con:
:taining an enceinte oval in form, and
measuring 162' from E [East] to W. [West] by 132' from N [North] to S [South].
The site has been long under cultivation and
the defences are much ploughed down; The
trench is, however, still clearly visible with a
breadth of 25' and a depth of 3'.6" or thereby.

Meikle Cairn Minnydow
This cairn is situated about 1/4 m. [mile] NW. [North West] of Minny:
:dow farm and is now enclosed by a
stone wall and planted with fir trees.
In diameter it measures some 55' and in
elevation about 3'.6". There is no indication
of its having been excavated.

Urr Par [Parish] Cairn Meikle Larg
This cairn situated about 1/2 m. [mile] NW. [North West] of Meikle
Larg has been almost entirely removed.

Kirkpatrick Irongray Par. [Parish] Fort. The Doons Doonhill
This fort is situated at an elevation of some 500' over sea level on the summit of
the Doonhill, a long flat topped ridge which
slopes upwards from the left bank of the
Old water to the N [North] of Shawhead. It is a
circular construction measuring interiorly 190' from N-S [North-South] by 214' from E to W [East to West] surrounded by a
steeply scarped bank above which there

[Continued on page 141]

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