

[Page] 138
[Continued from page 137]

three figures of a date 162--. The other
two panels appear to represent respectively
Satan, and a pelican feeding her young
emblamatic of the church. The armorial
panel is illustrated in "The Book of Kirk:
:patrick Durham."
Beside the door of the manse is a curious
stone with incised lines on it which bear
a rude resemblance to a boar's head. I
have a rubbing & photograph of it. It came
from Barmoffity Road.

Kk [Kirkpatrick] Durham
Mound Durham St.
Close to the road on the E. [East] side of
Durham St. is a slight mound with a circular
flat summit and a slight projection towards
the E [East] so as to give it an oval plan on base.
Around the foot is a slight ridge, too slight
to be termed a rampart with a scarp
about 3' in height but no sign of any trench
or true defensive work. The summit measures
about 24' in diameter but has been dug out
to some extent on the S [South]. The length of the
mound is 85', its breadth at centre 54' and
its elevation about 6'. Though bearing
a somewhat artificial appearance it has
not the character of a mote or defensive
work of any kind.
In Kirkpatrick Durham I made the acquaintance

[Continued on page 139]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1