

[Page] 136
[Continued from page 135]

divisions at about 84' from the SSE [South South East] end by a
shallow trench some 22' in width, the larger
division having an average and somewhat
uniform breadth of about 97' and the shorter
division contracting to a somewhat pointed
extremity at the S [South]. The W. [West] side is regularly
sloped at an angle of 40° and the E [East] presents
a more natural looking scarp at an angle
of about 29°. The greatest vertical height from
base to summit which is on the E [East] side is 25'.
At the NNW. [North North West] extremity the plateau has been
severed from the adjacent ground by a deep
trench some 35' in width, the bottom of which
lies 16' below the top of the scarp and 12'
below that of the counterscarp. Along
the W. [West] side there appears also to have been
a trench. There is no sign of a parapet
mound around any part of the summit,
nor is there any indication of the position of an

17' Augt. 1911.
Car to Kirkpatrick Durham &c.
The standing stone at Croys to which Mr.
Stark drew my attention is without doubt
merely a rubbing post. It has been roughly
hammer dressed to a square section and
is not firmly fixed in the ground!

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1