

[Page] 134
[Continued from page 133]

interior diameter of 11' and a depth of about 2',
that on the S. [South] out oval measuring interiorly 31' by 23'.
Some 15' or thereby out from the face of these rocks
there passes segmentally from the S [South] side to within 25'
of the N. [North] edge of the ridge a breastwork for the
most part composed of outcropping rock, which
in turn has been covered at 21' distant down the
slope by another outwork (from the surface of
which also low points of rock protrude) visible
to within 12' of the N [North] edge and there after
seeming to return up hill so as to flank
an approach which has passed along the edge of the N. [North] slope.
Beneath this lowest outwork the hill extends
in a somewhat level plateau towards the [--] before descending
in a steepish slope to its base. To defend
the fort from attack by way of the neck
before mentioned on the N. [North] a deep trench has
been cut across that feature in part
through the rock , 14' in width, 10' to 11' deep
on the scarp or higher side and 5' on the
opposite slope, while the
steep scarp has been rendered more formidable
by the addition of a stony rampart along
its crest about 11' in thickness at base.
At its extreme W. [West] end where it approaches
the craggy face of the hill the

[Continued on page 135]

Transcriber's notes

line 2 - inserted word is sub and the dimension is 31' (see
line 12 - looks like 'the' has been overwritten by 'an'
line 14 - missing direction is South East (see

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1