
Transcriber's notes

From the 'Fifth Report and Inventory of Monuments and Constructions in Galloway, Volume 2, County of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright' (1914), the missing dimensions are: depth = 8 feet, width = 47 feet, extreme length = 500 feet, breadth = 216 feet and height = 33 feet, depth = 8 feet, width = 25 feet, summit = 91 feet by 76 feet


[Page] 127
[Continued from page 126]

trench has been dug with its sides sloped at an
angle of some 45° to an average depth of [--]
and width of [--]. Enclosed within it is
a fairly regular oblong area measuring [--] ft. [feet] in
extreme length and [--] ft. [feet] in breadth rounded
at the ends, also at the angles except towards the SE [South East]
where there is a rectangle, and straight along
the sides. Above the scarp of the trench
there has been a slight parapet mound
most noticeable towards the W. [West] and S [South].
Near the S. [South] end of the enclosure, which has formed
the base court, there rises to a height of [--] a truncated
cone of soil and stones in large measure artificially
formed sloping all round at an
angle of 45°. Around its base is a continuous trench
[--] ft [feet] in depth and [--] in width. The
summit which is nearly level measures [--]. This
citadel does not occupy the centre of the
breadth of the base court but is placed
close to the W. [West] side leaving room for a
free passage past it on the E [East]. There are
two entrances to the enceinte - one from
the SE. [South East] adjacent to the rectangular corner
and the other from the NW [North West]. At the former
the trench has probably been bridged, and a
Mound lies on the E. [East] side from the outer edge of the
trench which may be connected with it, but as

[Continued on page 128]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1