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[Continued from page 83]

motherless lamb and may thus be obliged to
afford it nourishment.
A very hot day. Got home by bicycle at 7.15.
I never saw the hawthorns so white with blossom
as this year but it is passing quickly in the

3rd June.
Writing up notes - most of the day

4th June near Luce Cairn Caves of Kilhern (26)
Motored beyond New Luce to Dranigower
situated on the moorland adjacent to a
stone dyke which runs NE [North East] and SW. [South West] and
about 1/2 m. [mile] NNW. [North North West] of Kilhern are the remains
of a long cairn containing megalithic
cists known as the "Caves of Kilhern." The
cairn has been reduced to a low level by
the removal of stones and in it are ex:
:posed the remains of cists while
the positions of one or two others is
indicated by the presence of upright stones
protruding above the debris or by depressions
from which large stones seem to have been
removed. The extreme length of the
cairn, as far as accurately ascertainable
in its ruined state, appears to be 96'. It
lies with its longest axis ENE [East North East] and WSW. [West South West]
measures 60' in breadth towards the former direction
and 30' at the latter. Lying in the

[Continued on page 85]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Murray