

Page 82
[Continued from page 81]

the S. [South] limit of the fort is for the most part
concealed beneath a great mass of debris but
where the both faces appear to be exposed they
indicate a thickness of 8'. In the SW. [South West] angle
the mass of stones measures 23' across from the
outer face of the wall inwards and has
probably contained one or more circular
chambers in its thickness of which there
are indications. Elsewhere the wall has either fallen over the rock or is completely ruined. The hollow below the citadel
and between the rocks in the interior meas:
:ures 60' in length by 32' in breadth. The walls
which cross it at the S. [South] end have probably
been erected by shepherds to form a fold.

Cairn 'MacNeilie'. Upper Galdenoch.
About 100 yds [yards] NNW. [North North West] of Upper Galdenoch Farm
are the remains of a large circular
cairn around and over the margin of
which great quantities of gathered stone
have been deposited. A domical portion
in the centre, however, with an elevation
of some 3'.6" probably contains the original
interment. The diameter has been
about 56'.

Cairn Barnshangan
On the S. [South] side of the road that leads from
New Luce to Barnshangan and about
1/2 m. [mile] W. [West] of the latter are two cairns. The
Eastmost has been carted away to the

[Continued on page 83]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Cathy Giddens