

Page 80
[Continued from page 79]

of some 35'. It is much reduced in elevation
but there is no sign that the interment has
been disturbed.
Some 80 yds [yards] SW. [South West] of the high round cairn
at the higher end of the adjoining field are the
remains of a second long cairn which has
been much pillaged for stones. It lies
N by E. [North by East] and S. by W [South by West] and has its prominent
end towards the N. [North]. It measures, in
length 97'; in breadth at the S [South] end 23' at
the N. [North] end 34'. At 32' in along the mesial
line from the N. [North] extremity the upper part of a
slab standing on end at right angles to the
direction of the cairn marks the position of
a cist and some 10' from the opposite
end there appears to be another cist from
the position of another block. Though much
of the cairn has been removed, the cists
do not appear to have been examined.
The outline has been marked by boulders
at irregular intervals.

Upper Galdenoch
Some 80 yds [yards] from the edge of the moorland
in the highest of the cultivated fields & about
1/2 m. [mile] E [East] of Upper Galdenoch are the remains of a
large circular cairn which has had a diameter
of about 50'. It has probably been entirely

[Continued on page 81]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Cathy Giddens