

[Page] 77
[Continued from page 76]

the outer side, possibly indicating the
position of the entrance. As no wall faces
are actually visible the above measurements are
merely hypothetical.
The massive wall at one end of the construction
seems characteristic of these enclosures. It probably
contained chambers.

[Opposite page - sketch and text inserted] Diagram. Scale. 24' = 1"

Cairn Airyhemming (25)
On the hill above Airyhemming about 1/2 m. [mile] SSW [South South West] of
the upper end of the Glen Plantation and on
a rough grass park where there is much
outcropping rock there is a cairn much
delapidated and possibly rifled. It has
measured in diameter about 23'.

Cairn Airyhemming (25)
Some [--] yds [yards] to the Eastward in a cultivated
field are the remains of another reduced to
an elevation of about 3' but which does not
seem to have been excavated. It measures in
diameter some 35'.
This was another glorious day and a
long one. We returned to Dunragit Station
& got a train back at 7.25. It has been very

2nd June 1911.
Train to Glenluce thence on bicycle up
the Luce valley.

[Opposite page - photograph inserted]

Cairn Mid Gleniron (30)
On the top of a slight rocky eminence
some 200 yds [yards] SSW. [South South West] of Gleniron farm house

[Continued on page 78]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seross