

[Page] 55
[Continued from page 54]

(note. the cairn marked here on the O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 6" map
seems to me natural or non-existent.)

New Luce Gleniron Fell
At the base of the fell on the SE. [South East] and
within 80 yds. [yards] of the parish boundary are the
remains of an oblong building measuring interiorly
26' by 10'.6" with a stone built wall 5' in thickness
and existing to a height of 2'. There appear to
have been two entrances, one on either side
opposite each other
at about 7' from the end. This wall has
probably supported a turf superstructure.
In the vicinity of this ruin and along the
slope of the fell towards the S. [South] are the remains
of numerous small round stone huts of
circular form measuring some 12' in diameter
over all, and also a number of cairn-like
heaps of stone. About 100 yds. [yards] S. [South] of the
ruin is a small structure of two round com:
:partments rudely built of boulders, probably a fold
for lambs. or sheep.
Following the base of the fell Southwards at about
1/2 m [mile] NE [North East] of Mid Gleniron and some 50' out from
the base of a perpendicular rock is a small
stone built hut circle with an interior dia:
:meter of 8' x 10' and entered from the SE. [South East].
The entrance is, however, unmeasurable & the
wall of the circle in ruins. On the

[Continued on page 56]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seross