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lower stone is 3’.5” in height. The O.S. [Ordnance Survey]
marks cairns in their vicinity. (See p. [page] 6)

Kirkinner Crouse White Cairns (7)
About 120 yds [yards] E. [East] of the road and 1/4 m. [mile] N. [North] of Crouse farm
house is a cairn much dilapidated. It measures
diametrically 90’ from N to S. [North to South] by 86’ from E. to W. [East to West]
and has a greatest elevation of about 70’. There
is no indication of its character.

Holed standing stone (13) (photos. 2)
Across the field dyke from the white cairn
and about 90’ to the S. [South] of the latter is a
standing stone, 5’ in height, pointed towards the
top, a flattened oval in Section with a circum:
:ference near the centre of 10’. At 14” from the
top and near the centre of its breadth there is a
perforation. On either face is a bowl shaped
hollow with a diameter of 9’ and a depth of like
extent connected by a circular neck
3 1/2" in diameter and 4” in length. The
stone faces N. [North] and S. [South] and is a granitic

Defensive Enclosure (Mote) (3)
In a cultivated field 1/4 m. [mile] to the NE [North East] of
Crouse Farmhouse is a fortified site. The S. [South]
end of a natural gravelly ridge has been
cut off by a V shaped ditch, some 9’.6” in
depth and 35’ in width. The area detached has
been enclosed on all sides by similar ditches but
those on the W. [West] and S. [South] have been almost obliterated

[Continued on page 6]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, DANIALSAN, Jane F Jamieson