

Page 27
[Continued from page 26]

16th May 1911
Still glorious weather. Writing up notes
all day.

17th May. Old Luce Par. [Parish] Craignarget Cairn (43)
On the SE [South East] slope of Craignarget Hill about 3 furlongs
NNE [North North East] of where the Craignarget burn passes under
the high road and on a natural terrace to
the SE [South East] of a rock face is a cairn measuring
some 28’ in diameter and 3’.6” in elevation.
From its base there is an obtuse pointed pro:
:jection Northwards for a distance of 10’ measuring
12’ in breadth at its distal end and 8’ at its outer
extremity, It does not appear to have been excavated.
Some 80’ to the N. [North] is a stony heap which
appears to be the ruin of a small circular
hut and 30’ S. [South] of it a small cairn with a
diameter of 12’. Along the hillside
to the W. [West] are other small cairns and
hut ruins with remains of old enclosures.

Mochrum Par. [Parish] Cairn (No 18)
On the moorland that stretches inland
from the top of the heughs by the shore and
about 1/4 m. [mile] E. [East] of the point where the Craignarget
burn passes beneath the high road is a large
cairn measuring diametrically 45’ from
N. to S. [North to South] by 48’ from E. to W [East to West] and in height 9’
A number of small circular shelters have
at one time been formed in it but it does
not appear to have been excavated.

[Continued on page 28]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson