

Page 19
[Continued from page 18]

the measurement is 6”. For 4” below the
crossing the shaft measures 1 1/4" in breadth from
which it expands to a greatest breadth of
2 1/4” tapering again to the end which is rounded.
The stone is said to have come from the wall
of an older house on the site.
While measuring the cross there came on
a sharp thunderstorm. The house & farm
buildings were all locked up except a small out-
-house in which we found shelter from the
heaviest hail storm I have ever seen. The
stones were as large as small cherries & hard as
ice which they really were. Had we been caught on
the Fell we would have suffered severely.

13 May 1911.
Took the car to convey me to Monreith & visit
various obkects en route.

Cairn Old Place of Mochrum (17a)
The O.S. [Ordnance Survey] marks a cairn on a rocky ridge about
1/4 m. [mile] ENE. [East North East] of the Old Place of Mochrum. There
are on the spot remains of old structures,
probably sheilings, but no trace of a cairn.

(Mochrum) Cairns May. (20)
About 100 yds. [yards] S by E. [South by East] of the farm house of
May there are the remains of a large cairn
which is being rapidly carted away. Only
a fragment remains.

[Opposite page - text inserted] Cairn May (20)
In a cultivated field about 300 yds. [yards] SSW. [South South West] of the
farm house of May is a large circular cairn which
has been reduced to an average elevation of
about 4’. In diameter it measures from 58’ to 60’
There is no cist exposed and the inter:
:ment has probably not been disturbed.

About 100 yds. [yards] SSE [South South East] of the farm house on the
highest point of the park these are possibly

[Continued on page 20]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson