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[Continued from page 129]

the edge of the cliff 180'.
Some 30' below the summit on the W. [West] there is
a shelf or ledge on the side of the heugh some
35' in length by 15' or thereby in breadth to which a
grassy slope inclines steeply from the higher level.
Along the edge of this has been thrown up a
breastwork or parapet of earth and stone.

Standing stone Port o' Spital.
In a field which rises to the W. [West] of the road leading
from Port of Spittal to Port Patrick and some 250
yds. [yards] SSE [South South East] of the farm of [--] is a standing
stone of granite. It is 4'.9" in height above
ground, squarish in section with a breadth
of about 2".
Today the fine weather which has lasted
without a break since the beginning of May
came to an end. The country is greatly
in need of rain and some farmers in this
district have sown their turnips for the third

17th & 19th June
Writing up notes.

20th June. Kirkcowan Cairn
In a cultivated field by the road side
about 1 m. [mile] NNE. [North North East] of Kirkcowan village is a
large circular cairn with a diameter
of about 70'. It has been pillaged for
stones to such an extent that it is
very doubtful if the interment remains in it

[Continued on page 131]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Murray