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[Continued from page 122]

court is some 24' thick at base and 6' in height
on the outside. Between it and the edge of the
glen is a terrace some 20' in width at the end
adjacent to the mound decreasing to:
:wards the E [East] where it is 6' wide. There is no
return of the ramparts across the slope at
the Eastern end.

Low Drummore
I had a long hunt after a stone said to
be in a mill here and eventually learned that
it had been removed to the museum years ago.

Cairn Aine
This cairn has been entirely removed & there
is no trace of it left.

Fort Kirkmaiden
On the summit of the Core Hill on which
stand the church and village of Kirkmaiden
and immediately to the S. [South] of the graveyard
are the remains of a prehistoric fort.
Close to it on the W. [West] at some 20' lower elevation
passes the high road through the village
and the outer defences on that side are
consequently obliterated. Similarly on the
E. [East] the exigencies of agriculture have levelled
the lines except towards the NE. [North East] where for a
short distance two ramparts are visible adjacent to the churchyard
wall while on the
N. [North] that wall passes along the base of the
interior enclosure. Towards the S. [South] there remain

[Continued on page 124]

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