

[Page] 121
[Continued from page 120]

[Opposite page - two photographs inserted]

has been excavated inwards from the edge of the cliff
on either side so as to form two trenches with a roadway
between them some 11' in width near the centre of
its length. Immediately in front of this approach
are the ruins of a circular stone built fort faced
with massive blocks of stone in the foundation the
superstructure having been entirely displaced & in
large measure removed. On the landward side the
wall of this construction has been more massive
attaining its greatest dimension at 19'
and the curve of the inner face is flattened
so that it reduces the interior to an oval.
Around the circumference the thickness of the
wall estimated from the area covered by the
ruins, as the inner face is not always visible,
varies from 8' on the N [North] to 15' on the S. [South].
At the NE [North East] the facing of large blocks which
marks the periphery opposite the approach
terminates some 18" out from the face of the
wall coming round from the W. [West] forming an
overlap which probably was the entrance.
At the thickest part of the wall on the land:
:ward side a portion of a passage
as shown on the plan, is also exposed near
the inside. The interior measures about
33' by 42'. The sides of the promontory
fall away sharply from the building on

[Continued on page 122]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seross