

[Page] 114
[Continued from page 113]

[Opposite page - photograph inserted]

measures 82'. In the SE. [South East] angle is a hut circle,
measuring interiorly 21' in diameter, with a
bank of turf 6' broad and an entrance from
the NW. [North West] while 35' along the E [East] side there is a
hollow in the rampart 6' in diameter which
may mark the site of a hut.

Fort Dunwork
About 1/2 m. [mile] along the shore from West Tarbet
and projecting sea-ward from the base
of the high cliffs is a ridge of rock which
rises to a beacon-like point in the centre.
It has scarcely any level area on its surface
and but a small space on which the
grass grows among the fallen rocks on
its E. [East] side. Across the landward end
some ? 40' in length

[Margin] see O.S. [Ordnance Survey]

and not far above high water mark has
been built a wall some 6' in thickness and
still erect for a height of 3' or 4'. The position
is barely accessible except from the sea.
I attempted to descend the heughs down
slippery burnt up turf & crumbling rocks but
on gaining a ledge some 20' or 30' down
thought the risk & labour greater than any
advantage to be gained & was thankful
to regain the upper level in safety.

Fort. Carrickeamrie
Across the narrow neck of the promontory
which shelters the Dunwork on the W. [West]

[Continued on page 115]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Murray