

[Page] 77
[Continued from page 76]

chamber built of rubble work with two upright
flag stones set in each corner of it. The floor
consisted of five flagstones stretching right
across from side to side. The width of the
chamber was 4'.8". Its height from the floor
to the top of the walls 8' and to the top of
the debris 13'. Flagstones were found on the top laid in a
slanting position to form a roof. On the
floor in the S.W. [South West] corner were found the
unburned remains of a human skeleton the
area on which it lay being marked off on
the floor by an arc of grey boulders. The
fragment of skull indicated that it
belonged to an "ovoid" skull with a cephalic
index low in the mesocephalic group
if not actually falling into the dolichoceph:
:alic category. The entrance to the chamber
was from the S. [South] through a doorway 4'.6"
high and 1'.10" wide which was walled up
with walling 2'.9" thick. The passage
was opened for a distance of 4' outwards.
It was found to be well built & roofed &
paved with flag stones. The floor was 8" lower
in level than the floor of the chamber.
The whole length of the passage was estimated
at 15'. Beneath the flooring of the chamber

[Continued on page 78]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1