

[Page] 46
[Continued from page 45]

The thickness of the bank appears to be from
8' - 9'. No details of the entrance are obtainable.

23 Augt. [August] 1910
A very beautiful day. Hired a trap & took S. [Sandy]
with me.

Broch Murkle (6)
About 1/2 m. [mile] SSE [South South East] of West Murkle Farm buildings
is a grassy hillock on the top of which are
the remains of a broch. The upper part
of the hillock which contains the broch rises
some 28' - 30' back from the edge of the scarp
which is about 8' high. It has a diameter
of about 60' and an elevation of about 8'.
No part of the structure is visible. The hillock
has to some extent been ploughed down and
broken into on the E [East] side.
My assistant took me to see two mounds
at Whitefield, Murkle which he believed to be
cairns. On the top of one a burial was said
to have been found. One mound much
resembled a long cairn and thin slabs
lying horizontally exposed on the sides much
suggested building I was satisfied, however,
that the mounds were natural.

East Murkle. Mound (7)
Some 200 yds [yards] NW. [North West] of East Murkle Farm
in the middle of a field is a low stony
mound overgrown with grass. It has
long been under cultivation and the

[Continued on page 47]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1