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[Continued from page 3]

overgrown with grass which is evidently a
cairn. It measures in diameter about 36’
and in elevation about 5’.

Broch Knockglas (25)
Rising from the cultivated fields about 1/4 m. [mile]
SW. [South West] of the ? Mill of Knockglass and some 80 yds. [yards]
back from the N. [North] bank of the Forse Water is
a high grassy hillock on the top of which
are the remains of a broch. The portion of
the Mound containing the ruins has a
diameter of about 70’ and an elevation of
about 8’. No part of the structure is visible
at any point. Between the base of the broch
and the edge of the lower slope of the Mound
there appears to have existed the usual terrace.
The highest elevation of the whole Mound is
from 16’ to 17’.

Broch Site Knockglas (27)
In a meadow by the left bank of the Forse
Water about 3/4 m. [mile] above the Mill of Knockglas
is a small fragment of a building. The character
& curve of the wall suggest that it is
the remains of a broch.

Westfield St. Trostan’s Chapel. S. [Site] & Font.
Built into the SE. [South East] wall of the graveyard
at Westfield is evidently the font of the
church or chapel which formerly stood here
It is an oval block of sandstone rounded
at the bottom 22” in length 17” in breadth,

[Continued on page 5]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, DANIALSAN, Jane F Jamieson