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[Continued from page 14]

excavation the plan cannot be definitely determined.

Shurrery. (53)
On the E [East] side of the road some 200 yds [yards] N. [North] of
the N. [North] end of Loch Shurrery is a circular con:
:struction surrounded by a stone wall some
6’ in thickness. The entrance appears to have
been from the SE. [South East] and the interior diameter
is about 26’. Opening out of the main
enclosure towards the W. [West] and NW. [North West] have
been small circular enclosures of indefinite
diameter. The whole structure is much

Foundations (52)
On the left bank of the Forss water about 1/2
m. [mile] down from Loch Shurrery is a mound
covered with the indefinite ruins of some
primitive construction. It has been much
quarried for stones and the plan is no
longer evident. It has not the appearance
of a broch though the small piece of wall
visible on the S. [South] has the character of the
wall of such a structure. There appears
to have been a main central circular
area with a diameter of 24’. entered from
the W. [West] with various chambers opening off it
To the N. [North] are the ruins of several small
detached buildings

[Continued on page 16]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson