

[Page] 11
[Continued from page 10]

[Opposite page - text inserted] In rear of the back lintel 2 upright flags
set edgeways to the wall of the passage are

massive blocks of stone are built and are
exposed for a length of 6’.6”. The entrance
is filled to a height of 1’.7” from the lintel.
The uncovered upper sides of the lintel are
almost level with the top of the mound
and there is no indication of any
superstructure. The inner side of the
back lintel is 28’ distant from the edge
of the mound at the back. If this is
a chambered cairn the height & width of
the entrance passage is very remarkable.
There is no indication of excavation.
Some 60’ to the N. [North] are the indefinite remains
of another construction of slight elevation
and entirely overgrown with turf. From
the surface here and there the heads of
thin slabs set on end protrude but
without excavation the plan and character
of the construction cannot be determined.

Brawlbin Horned long Cairn (unnoted)
On the moor of Brawlbin about 100 yds. [yards]
NW. [North West] of Loch a Mhuilinn are the remains
of a horned long cairn. It lies with
its longest axis NNE [North North East] and SSW [South South West], rising
and expanding in the former direction.
The body of the cairn except the
high portion at the NNE. [North North East] end which
probably contains the chamber has

[Continued on page 12]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson