

[Page] 98
[Continued from page 97]

a reputation as boat builders and many
of the fishing boats used on the mainland
opposite are constructed in Stroma. The
people live to a great age evidently as
out of the half dozen I spoke to three were
over eighty. On the uncultivated land
I found growing a dwarf Ragged Robin,
which I believe is a rare Alpine. I dug
up a plant & sent it to E. [Elize] for her rockery
at Melrose

[Opposite page - text and sketch inserted] The vault is not continued to the floor but
rises from a ledge 6" wide 2' above the ground level.

Towards the E [East] end of the Southern shore
on a promotory rock is the graveyard.
From the centre of it rises a rectangular
structure now roofless built with grey flags
and pink sandstone quoins. It has
been finished with an ordinary span roof
now gone. The building measures 25' x 18'.5"
and is two storeys in height. On the ground
level entered by a door in the West wall which is 2'.6" thick is
a low vaulted chamber evidently a burial
vault. There is a continuous bead & hollow
moulding around the door. Above the
vault is a pigeon house on the first floor
entered by a door at that level in the E [East] wall.
It is furnished with the usual stone
nests. A stone at the S. [South] side of the West

[Continued on page 99]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, mac1