

[Page] 33
[Continued from page 32]

a mound covers the remains of a broch
known as "Gunn's Hillock" or "Burnt Ha' "
It has been to some extent broken into and
cottages have stood on the top of it. There
are measurable details.

Gunn's Castle (9)
On the summit of a peninsular rock
running parallel to the cliff face on the
mainland and approachable from its base
up a steep glacis of rock at the W. [West] end are
the foundations of a small rectangular
keep. Nature has made the position very
formidable for attack and it has been further
strengthened by a wall across the upper
side of a shelf of rock by which access
could be gained to the summit from
the S.W. [South West]. The keep has measured over all
some 37' by 23' and has had walls
some 3' in thickness. Immediately
outside the building at the NE. [North East] angle
is a circular depression some 9' in
diameter and 2' - 3' in depth which
probably indicates the position of the
well. A delightful small
boy whom I picked up at a neighbouring
croft to act as guide told us the local
tradition of the downfall of Gunn. He

[Continued on page 34]

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Irenem