

[Page] 90
[Continued from page 89]

from the E [East] side. The original dimensions have
been about 140' by 122' while the remaining
portion measures 64' from N. to S. [North to South] by 113' from E to W. [East to West].
The greatest elevation is about 9'.

[Margin] ?cairn

On the right bank of the Thurso River to the N [North]
of the termination of road which leads from the
[--] Free Church School to Pullyhour and
some 200 yds. [yards] W. [West] of the latter place on a piece of waste ground is a construction
consisting of a circular bank about 2' in height
and 8' to 9' in thickness enclosing a space meas:
:uring about 43' in diameter in the centre of
which is a flat topped mound 28' in diameter
and about 1'.6" in height. The whole is overgrown
with turf but appears to be stony underneath.
I dont know what this is. There is no
break in the enclosing bank.

[Margin] Standing stone

Halfway between the ruined cottage at Pully:
:hour and the Thurso River near the edge of
a cultivated field is a pointed, flat sided
boulder standing 3'.5" above ground and
measuring 8'.3" in circumference at base.
It has the appearance of having been a
member of a stone circle.

[Margin] Broch

Some 200 yds. [yards] ESE [East South East] of Achies farm a
grass covered hillock rises from a cultivated
field. Its diameter from N to S [North to [South] is 90'
[Continued on page 91]

Transcriber's notes

Gap in text.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, seross