

[Page] 11
[Continued from page 10]

and has two ? elliptical arched windows on the
S. [South] wall. The entrance is from the E. [East] It appears
to be an 18th. century building (See. Origines - Stat Acct [Statistical Account] etc).
Beneath the W. [West] half of the Church is a burial vault.

[Margin] Cairn of Dunn

Some 200 yds. [yards] S. [South] of Old Hall is a grass covered
stony mound probably covering the ruins of
a broch. A few flat stones
are visible on the surface but there is no accurate
indication either of the extent of the ruin or of
its character The mound at highest has an
elevation of some 4'. The situation of the mound
is on the top of a high bank above a burn and
for a distance of about 30' there remains a low

[Margin] ?

rampart in form of a segment along the edge of
this bank. The diameter across the centre of the
mound from the top of the rampart is 58'.

[Margin] Cairn of Dunn

Across a glen from the last broch and
some 350 SE. [South East] of Old Hall is another round
stony mound probably a broch. It is situated in a cutiva:
:ted field, commanding an extensive prospect
and has been frequently ploughed over. The
surface is strewn with fragments of slatey
stone but no structure is visible. The
diameter of the mound is about 100' and
its elevation some 3'.

[Margin] Broch Old Hall

Some 500 yds [yards] N. [North] of Old Hall on the N. [North] side
[Continued on page 12]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator, ADobie