

[Page 73]
[continued from page 72]

the SE. [South East] and is 5' wide. The banks appear
to broaden towards the entrance but the heather
is deep and details are unobtainable.
From the sides of it walls seem to run down the hill.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 18. see p. [page] 79.

Some 30 yds. [yards] S. [South] of the last is another
circular enclosure the interior of which is
also lined with stone. It has an interior
diameter of 32'. It is situated on a
slope and the interior at the
back has been dug out to
make it level. The back of
the circle is formed of a
line of boulders about 3' high,
and about 8'.6" back from
the front of them is an outer
bank of turf 6'.6" thick.

[Sketch inserted]

The interspace is filled up
probably with ruins and the whole interior
is overgrown with deep heather. The wall
in the interior is in places about 3' high.
The entrance is from SE. [South East] and is about 3' wide
through a passage 16' - 17' in length. The outer
bank at the back of the circle is 6'.6" but
at the sides where it coalesces with the inner
circle of stone it is 12' thick. On the left
or W [West] side of the entrance it forms a mound
about 6' high to the exterior and at 25' from

[continued on page 74]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson