

[Page 70]
[continued from page 69]

It is entered down a flight of six steps 2' wide
curving round to the left. At 6' from the first
step the covered passage commences with a width
of about 3' and height of 4'.5". From the entrance
the curve alters its direction turning slightly towards
the right and at 4'.6" inward in runs straight
from WNW to ESE. [West North West to East South East] for a total length of 22'
following the curve of the E [East] wall and 19'6" on the
W. [West]. At 10' from the back it is 4'8" high and
3'.2" wide. The back is rounded 3'.6" across and
5'.2" in height. The sides are built and the
roof flagged.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 21

To the S. [South] of Salzcraggie Lodge between the
road and the river are the remains of a
long cairn so recently demolished that the
tracks of the carts taking the stones from
the interior for road metal are not yet
obliterated. It is said to have had two chambers
but no trace remains of them. It lies E and W. [East and West].
Length 178'. Breadth at E [East] end about 63': at
W. [West] end about 12'. It does not appear to have
been horned.

[Margin] O.S. [Ordnance Survey] 18.

On the W. [West] bank of the Allt-Cille Pheadair
about (?) 150 yds [yards] SW. [South West] of the point of influx of the
Clais Rath Finn and 950 yds [yards] or thereby N. [North] of
the Helmsdale River is a hut circle.

[continued on page 71]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson