

[Page 55]
[continued from page 54]

[Margin] Unnoted.

On the S. [South] side of the Brora and above the
left bank of the burn which skirts the base
of the Cnoc-an t-Socaich is a group of hut-
circles and small cairns. About
1/2 m. [mile] S. [South] of the Brora and 150' to 200' above the
burn is a small circular enclosure with
an interior dia. [diameter] of about 8'6" x 9' entering from
the S. [South] through a passage 7' long and 2' wide.
The bank except towards the entrance being about
4' in width. Some 40 yds. [yards] W. [West] of it are
the indistinct remains of a hut circle of the
ordinary type and about 100 yds [yards]. N.W. [North West] another
Abt. [About] 1/4 m. [mile] W. [West] of the burn near the top of the
hill is a large group of small cairns and
hut circles. One with stony bank or wall
measures 10'6" in interior diameter, enters from
SE. [South East] and is surrounded by a bank 7' wide
on the circumference and 10' on either side
of the entrance.
Some 30' E [East] of the last is an elliptical enclosure
measuring about 24' x 15' with a wide entrance from
the SE. [South East] and bank about 12'6" in thickness
Two small enclosures of about 6' interior diameter
abut on it towards the S. and SW. [South and South West].
About 30' S. [South] of it is another enclosure with
stone wall about 6' thick, interior diameter of 11'

[continued on page 56]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Jane F Jamieson